Wednesday, November 14, 2007

One habit every child must learn by Steve Kroening

Aida's comment - "I took this writing from I seems revelant to my situation now. I find it is true that we try to succumb to our kids crying and screaming by giving them everything they want without much bargaining. That is bad. Sometimes, it is hard too for parents to discipline their tods in their ways when they are interfered by grandparents who can't bare to hear their grand-tods crying. I will do more research on this delayed gratification and hopefully try it out on my tods. Happy reading!"

If you want to save your children a lot of pain and suffering as they grow up, there’s one habit they must learn. This habit will help them avoid financial problems, many relational problems, and a large number of health problems. But it will do a lot more than help them avoid problems. It will also help them become far more successful in their occupation and relationships.

What one habit can possibly do all this? It is called delayed gratification. Unfortunately, not many people today understand what this is or how to make it a habit. Delayed gratification is the opposite of instant gratification. Most of us know exactly what that is. Our society is built on instant gratification. Advertising demands you make a decision right now. Restaurants have drive-thrus so you don’t have to wait. And even our fireplaces light up with the push of a button. No more kindling, logs, and matches.

Not that all of these things are bad. Some are wonderful. But it’s so difficult to know when it’s best to gratify ourselves and when not to. We get sucked into the world so easily that we don’t even realize it until we’re in debt, alone, and dying from a preventable disease.

Unfortunately, delaying gratification is a habit that’s completely foreign to children. They’re born demanding what they want. And they learn early to cry and even scream when they don’t get it. And today, few of them are taught to do otherwise. So most adults expect instant satisfaction of all their wants.

The earlier you can train your children to delay spending money on what they want, eating what tastes good but has no nutritional value, and adopting habits that may feel good but don’t benefit the mind (video games), body (such as smoking), or soul (sin), the better off they’ll be as they grow up.

* Steve Kroening is a freelance writer for Success magazine and also publishes Wisdom's Edge, a free e-zine with Biblical tips for finance, health, relationships, and success.

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