Friday, August 10, 2007

Boredom Syndrome

Yesterday NDP celebration was fabulous. The floating stage, the army guys, the fireworks... I'm so lucky I have a LCD TV 37 inch to watch it from. And guess what, the moment the fireworks went bomm boomm boomm... hubby and i jumped to our feet and tried to view it from our living room. But that stupid block blocked our view. we could only hear the booom booom boom and some after effect lightsmoke.
And what did babygirl do? she slept throughout the show. Unbelievable. Super not a care about the nation birthday! Hah... Oh well, she just refused to sleep during the afternoon, accompanying me while doing my laundry, folding and cooking. Or... Probably she just missed her big brother.
Oh Happy Birthday to my sister. She turns 36 years old today. Very old indeed! Anyway, thanks for being there and helping me out constantly, especially when I was in 1-2 weeks confinement. Eventhough you can be such a loudspeaker that kills my heart softly with a sharp knife by your words, you are still my sister. No harm done, none taken to heart.
So Boredom Syndrome. Yes, I am kinda bored with being stuck at home. So I search and list down things to do... more like (search, sell buy and connect!).
I will try to do the following by end of the year. (such a long deadline!)
- paint the computer room
- renovate the kitchen (the floor ready to pop like popcorn!)
- hang more big frames on the wall
Personal Update
- my sahm book
- my T9 Gallery folders (get those pictures printed)
- my sony ericsson gallery folders
- change memory card for hp
- clear my chestdrawers
- restock my shoes collection
- my multiply, friendster
- do online shopping (hahahaha)
- switch blog?
Family Update
- search for childcare/playschool for littleboy
- me get a job next year?
- hubby switching job next year?
- my brother getting a baby end of the year?
Ok so this post is going nowhere. I have to cook (sakit sakit pun kena masak you!) dinner for my hubby and myself. Til then.




Blogger Joycelyn said...


I saw your comment on my blog. Thanks my dear!

I really miss all of you guys. Things have been going well but not challenging enough.

Enjoy looking after your kids. Its the best time of your life before they grow old. Also can shake leg quite shiok hehehhe =x

Wait till they are older before getting another job. Enjoy them before too late.

I miss you! =(

And sorry i couldnt come by to see ur kids cuz of exams.. but i will and must come by soon.

Oh and windows closed down.. so sad i havent had a chance to try!

10:45 PM, August 11, 2007  

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