Wednesday, July 18, 2007


I'm still pursuing the confinement (like jailterm or stuck in rehab gituk). This time round, I don't have the urge to go out so soon. Food still strictly no chicken nor eggs and unlimited drinks (mak aku kata minum jek...nanti dehydrate!). Haha...

The 7 days urut is over (mintak gentle maut coz of the operation - minus no bengkung -> mak aku kata kau nak mampus?!).

But the pilis is still on my forehead, socks on both legs and no air-con rule will continue until the period is over.

Me: Dear.. I wish to see the NDP fireworks.. Boleh?

Hubby: Nope! stay home and watch from TV. =p

Sungguh tak

Anyway, despite helping mom with laundry and washing dishes (takde upah pun), and looking after both kids... I still have some energy to do some reading, especially when I'm breastfeeding the babygirl.

(Mak aku kata tak bagus orang dalam 6 hari tido siang siang hari - bluergh!)

Oh well. Mak aku da lenient maut this time round. Except for medications - Ikan Haruan, Ikan Haruan Essence, Nona Roguy's pill, Nona Roguy's oil, Minyak Gamat, Gamat Essence, Pil Calcium Doctor kasi.... all these will be reminded by her for me to consume and put on my wound. Amik Kau... Nasib baik tak kena minum akar kayu!

---------> SO SO...

So I ponder... I finished reading all the baby infant pregnant magazines, the pregnant guide book (my brother's wife wants this book too), even the Islamic guide books and others. However, I am damn lazy to read newspaper for jari ku hitam later factor.

So this morning, I have have the urge for 2 books. One is breastfeeding and the other is on Caesarean. After searching in Amazon.Com, I came upon them.

So what do you think? Should I buy them or borrow them? Take note, I am a slow reader sometimes!

Erm.. I'd probably beg hubby to stop at Borders for me to purchase them this Saturday after babygirl's checkup. How how how?

Another pening note - why is my son so whiny lately!!!!




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